Looking for Investment Opportunities? Follow the Big Money.
While I'm cruising through the financial news looking for opportunities to make a nice trade, one of the first things I investigate are the stocks that the multi billionaires are buying (or selling). They, the multi billionaires, have the financial muscle to drive a stock to higher levels, and I am always looking for a ticket to go along for the ride.
I pay special attention to the stocks they are involved in that are at bargain basement prices, like US $5 or less. The reason being that when a stock valued at $1 a share moves to $2 your investment has doubled, unlike a purchase of Alphabet Inc (GOOGL), valued at $840 per share (at the time of my writing) where a movement of $1 is almost an insignificant gain relatively speaking.
13F filings, required by the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC), are filed at the end of every quarter commencing from the first business day of the year, 13F filings are a quarterly filing required of institutional investment managers with over $100 million in qualifying assets. The beautiful thing about this information is that since it has to be filed with the government the information is public. You can know exactly what men like Carl Icahn and Warren Buffet are invested in. And you can know what stocks they are involved in valued around $5 a share or less, and monitor them while you research whether that issue is a good investment for you.
A result of my investigation was the discovery that Warren Buffett through his Securities conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway has a new stake in Sirius XM Holdings Inc.(SIRI) the satellite radio company. At the time of my writing the last sale price of this stock was $5.10, that's the bargain basement price I was looking for and to find that a major mover and shaker in the marketplace was involved, added to the investment possibilities for me.
The point of sharing this exercise with you is to demonstrate the fact that the odds of your investment being successful increase when influential trading entities are involved in the same financial instrument as well. And that is what makes SIRI special to me. Not the analytical reports or the breakdown of their financial statements by so called experts in the field. The fact that Warren Buffett cares, adds so much to the potential value of SIRI's stock price.
How so, you may ask? Of all the thousands of stocks listed on the Over the Counter Market Exchange, of all the financial data available regarding those thousands of stock issues, someone who has to answer to Warren Buffett himself and maintain his usefulness at Berkshire Hathaway has already waded through all of that information and has chosen SIRI.
Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (SIRI)
America's Legal "Frontrunners" Are Helping Drive Up Shares...
Most of us wouldn't touch these stocks. But this group knows in advance, when they target a company, they have the power and influence to send the price soaring within a matter of days.
Click Here for the Report
The trading entity has acted on that decision by starting a position in that security. What we as fellow investors need to bear in mind is that Berkshire Hathaway did not invest in SIRI to lose money, they invested in SIRI to make money. Given Warren Buffett's track record and trading style, I can safely make the statement that Warren Buffett intends to make as much as possible from his investment. His disclosure of his new prospect gives us an opportunity to follow in the big man's footsteps and get involved in his investment strategy as well, if we so choose.
We can apply this same method of research towards another icon in the financial world, George Soros. I did just that, and found that Mr. Soros is involved in Abeona Therapeutics Inc (ABEO) a pharmaceutical company based in Dallas, Texas.
Abeona Therapeutics Inc. (ABEO)
The last sale price of ABEO was $4.80 and that's exactly the price range I'm looking for. President Trump's proposed policy towards the pharmaceutical industry is another factor that makes this stock interesting to me and most likely to research analysts and traders at Soros Fund Management.
Today's discussion is not just about SIRI or ABEO. What I want our readers to focus on is how you get through all the financial data of all the stocks listed on all the different stock exchanges, to find stocks that proven winners are also involved in. With all the staff at their disposal to uncover these investment opportunities Mr. Icahn and Mr. Soros have increased their odds towards the possibilities of success with their investments. You can also identify these issues once you access their information.
There are thousands of multi billionaires and multimillionaires with 100 million dollars of investment, that have to file and reveal their holdings to the Securities and Exchange commission. Sometimes within this block of investors are individuals involved in the same securities issues, increasing the odds of potential gains. The research may be tedious but the information is available.
For most people who are not employed in this area of the financial industry, the time necessary to compile and compare the holdings of all these individuals is truly a hindrance. There are however useful compilations of this information available. One word of warning though, 13F filings are quarterly, therefore there is a possibility the filer may have sold or turned to a seller by the time the report is made available to the public.
I strongly suggest you research the stock you are interested in and monitor it to see if that investment idea is right for you. I strongly dissuade anyone from buying a stock just because Carl Icahn owns it. But if Carl Icahn and George Soros both own the same issue you would be encouraged to take a closer look.