What You Need to Know About Defense ETFs
They’re some of the hottest trades on the market.
Nearly every defense ETF Exploded higher after Trump inked a weapons deal with the Saudis worth nearly $350 billion over the next 10 years. Nearly every one ran even higher after Donald Trump asked for approval on a $668 billion defense budget, too.
Read MoreMore Dominations
What You Need To Know About The Cloud, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
What is 'The Cloud?' Where is it? How do I get money from it? How do I put money it? Where does the money go when I put it in 'The Cloud?' Where does the money come from when I take money from 'The Cloud?' These are questions I still grapple with in our new age of digital finance.
Read MoreHow Digesting the News Can Give You an Edge
We are literally digesting news all day long. Almost like food, it has been proven that your eyes see pretty much what they like looking at.
How can we use the news to get an edge?
Read MoreA Crash Course on Retirement Growth
What if I told you that the best retirement plan was to not retire at all?
Read MoreBinary Options Explained
Binary options, if you are not familiar, are based on a simple 'yes' or 'no' proposition: Will the underlying asset be above a certain price at a certain time?
Traders place trades based on whether they believe the answer is yes or no, making it one of the simplest financial assets to trade. This simplicity has resulted in broad appeal amongst traders and newcomers to the financial markets. But as simple as it may seem, traders still need to understand how binary options work, what markets they can trade with binary options, and which companies are legally authorized to provide binary options to U.S. residents.
Read MoreDon't Die Without These 4 Documents
Nobody wants to think about dying. Deep down we all think we are going to live forever. I know I do. I watched a Netflix documentary last night called 'The Immortalists'. It focused on two scientists who have dedicated their lives to the mantra: "cure aging or die trying." Their theories center around cell telomeres and a lot of other scientific jargon that went right over this stock trader's head.
I selfishly want them to succeed, even though I know our planet would collapse under the strain of trying to sustain an ever-growing population with a non-existent death rate. But I want to be that one lucky guinea pig who is given a two-hundred-year supply of the anti-aging miracle drug and lives to age 300.
Read MoreWhy I sold Every Mutual Fund I Had
Mutual funds are one of the biggest scams ever pulled on the average investor.
Despite high fees, over diversification, and decades of staggering underperformance, well-dressed salesmen (“financial professionals” as they call themselves) continue to herd our personal wealth into these abysmal products.
You’ve probably never heard most of what I’m about to tell you. Wall Street has worked hard to make sure that you don’t.
Read MoreHow to Replicate Buffett’s Success Part 2
In Part 1 of this article, we looked at the deceptively simple investment criteria used by legendary value investor, Warren Buffett.
After years of studying his investor letters, speeches and actions, I have found that Warren likes companies with the following qualities:
1) Simple businesses that he understands
2) Predictable and proven earnings
3) Can be bought at a reasonable price
4) Have an economic moat
Read MoreHow to Replicate Buffett’s Success Part 1
Warren Buffett needs no introduction; he is a legend in the field of investing, whose track record leaves little doubt to the brilliance of his methodology. The legend of the Oracle of Omaha has spurred many attempts to replicate his techniques which have been met with mixed results. The primary obstacle to the replication efforts is people’s tendency to over complicate his methods. The simplicity of Buffett’s approach is where the true genius lies.
After studying his work for many years, I believe that Warren Buffett’s entire investment philosophy can be summarized in six words:
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